Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Email Versus Snail Mail

During class we were able to come up with quite a few examples of how email and snail mail were similar.  As you may recall they are similar in pretty much every area except one.  That one thing is when you physically need to send something.  Whether it is a Christmas present or Grandma's cookies, you simply cannot send that digitally.....yet.

My blog title is "living the digital life".  I must therefore find a way, any way, to prove that we can send items digitally.

Lets say you want to sent little Billy a model car for his birthday.  You could design one in a CAD program and email it to him in a file that wasnt accessible until his birthday.  Then when the big day came, he could open the file - import it into his special 3D printing software and print it out in a matter of hours.  Viola, a physical item sent digitally!

Here is an example of a 3D printer:

As technology improves, an edible substrate could be used and flavors added during the printing process.  Can anyone say instant Grandma's cookies?

Anyone who has seen Star Trek knows where all this technology is headed, "The Replicator". 


Zhang Ming Su said...

Hmmm.... Bravo!!! Senior, Tu hablas Espanol bien. Hasta luego!

RT said...

I would really like to see and know you would be able to send a gift or some sort of item digitally! If that happend then I can maybe see the post mail being in trouble, good luck!

scott1223 said...

As technology improves, the "Replicator" will be a household appliance, just like the microwave 20 years ago. I threw in some links of how much cheaper it's getting and how the technology is improving. CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

Heh, a Replicator is an interesting idea that's for sure. But as always, a technological advancement such as a Replicator, if even possible, would do a lot more than just end the Postage Service. For one, who needs to go out and buy food when you can just use that?

LoneShinobi said...

Interesting examples!! I could see 3D printing being used in today's e-mail system. The only downside I can think of though is the cost in purchasing a 3D printer. The Replicator I could imagine seeing that in about 15-20 years.