Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The future of newspaper and the web

The future of newspapers and the web will be the future of newspapers and the web.  What I mean by that statement is that their will be a future for both newspapers and the web.  These two are not mutually exclusive.  The success of one does not preclude the existence of the other. 

When I say newspaper, I am not talking about the bleached, pressed and printed sheet of wood pulp that is delivered to our door step.  That is merely a medium for getting the news to consumers.  To me, newspaper is an old-fashioned word that refers to companies and people that deliver news.  The act of assigning stories, chasing leads, and checking facts all leads to information that can be distributed via various mediums.  People pay for the information, not necessarily by what means the printed word gets to them.

Will paper news go away?  We all know it will.  The march of progress will do away with the use of trees for paper.  This is inevitable.  News will never go away.  As population grows and we become more of a global economy there will be greater demand for news.  It is just the way it gets to us that will change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You bring up a very good point. I think a couple of people may have missed it, or may have thought that the end of the newspapers would be the end of news companies in general, like predicted in EPIC. News is not coming to an end; just the medium that it gets out will change.