Sunday, November 30, 2008

Against the Machine

This book sounded ridiculous!  The group did a good job of detailing why the author thought that the internet was bad.  It is insulating us from other people and real interactions was the big complaint.  The other issue was that it allowed people who are not tolerated in normal social interactions to be popular.  

First off, what are real interactions anyway?  You say, "Hi, how are you?", they say "Fine" or "good".  Wow what an interaction.  What about the ol' "What have you been up to?".  Typical answer, " Oh you know, same ol' same old".  Usually people dont take the time to have such a superficial conversation like that on the net.  Conversations involve topics or beliefs or at least some heated name calling.

As for the second reason, I would guess that most peoples high school experience wouldnt dispose them to agreeing with it.  I would think the internet would allow the people with diverse interests that dont agree with the popular crowd to converse. This author seems to believe that people who arent cool should keep to them selves.  

The author didnt seem well received in our class.  I have a suspicion it was written as to get a rise out of people.

Smart Mobs

Wednesday we had a presentation of the book Smart Mobs.  I couldn't believe this book was written in 2001.  It incorporated many ideas that I have had myself that I thought were original.  The idea of a tracking system for buses that would tell you how far away they were or if you had just missed them.  That was my idea!  How hard would it be to put a GPS tracker on a bus and setup a simple system to estimate arrival times.

Also they talked about being able to take a picture of a plant and using the internet to instantly identify it.  I thought that was my idea.  

Anyway back to the book.  They talked about some weird stuff about gangs of texters.  I dont get it.  Anyway I might want to check this book out.

Friday, November 21, 2008


The assignment: Read a book with and give a presentation with a group (of people you dont know) at the end of the quarter. We ended up forming a loose group of 3 boys on one side of the class and 3 girls who sit on the opposite side of the class. What book to read? The professor favorite of course! Uhh ohhh, the library only had 2 copies of the book. No Problem! We will al read a couple chapters and bring the summaries together! It might have worked if we all knew each other and had daily contact. We don't so we needed a leader. Someone who would take the initiative. We were an aimless group of drones flying around with our antenna cut off. And then a Queen...errr King Bee emergered! Scott pulled us all together and rallied our sinking spirits. "We are all doomed to a poor grade" we moaned. "Nonsense! I will read the whole book and then we will all be able to make sense of what we have read!" Brilliant, I thought. The presentation that will come forth from such a collaboration will be legendary!....or at least not nausea inducing to our professor Andrew Fry.

may the force be with us

Monday, November 10, 2008

Kevin Freitas

Last week Kevin Freitas came and spoke with our class.  He pointed out the Feed Tacoma blog site that he maintains for free.  The site brings to one site the latest posts from over 30 different blogs from around the Tacoma area.  This is an amazing way to build community both offline and virtual.  It really made me think that there is nothing like this down in Grays Harbor County where I live.  We could really use something like this to build a better community setting around here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Managing Finances Online

Managing finances online.  

For some of us this means tracking investment portfolios and various banking accounts.  

For others it just means an easier way to pay the cable or power bill.  

Even the lowest citizens on the income ladder can track their government assistance and child support income. Hmm,  I suppose a (homeless?, transient?)  person who lives day to day on handouts and charity would not need this service.

All you need to utilize this service is the use of a internet connection, browser, username and password.  You can have your check direct deposited into your bank account and then use the debit card for that bank account to pay your various bills online.  You can also setup timely transfers of money from that account or your paycheck into your investment portfolios.  

I personally track my checking account online, I have a credit card that I manage online.  My car insurance is also online.  I don't pay my child support or IRS bill online because i dont really want them to have easy fund tranfer access to my money.  I also buy various things online via either my debit or credit card.

It would be very smart, to have one secure credit card for online bill paying and transactions.  This card would ideally have some sort of reward system (points, miles, cash back) for the frequent use it would receive.  This would put a layer of security between the people charging you money and your direct bank account.