Sunday, November 30, 2008

Against the Machine

This book sounded ridiculous!  The group did a good job of detailing why the author thought that the internet was bad.  It is insulating us from other people and real interactions was the big complaint.  The other issue was that it allowed people who are not tolerated in normal social interactions to be popular.  

First off, what are real interactions anyway?  You say, "Hi, how are you?", they say "Fine" or "good".  Wow what an interaction.  What about the ol' "What have you been up to?".  Typical answer, " Oh you know, same ol' same old".  Usually people dont take the time to have such a superficial conversation like that on the net.  Conversations involve topics or beliefs or at least some heated name calling.

As for the second reason, I would guess that most peoples high school experience wouldnt dispose them to agreeing with it.  I would think the internet would allow the people with diverse interests that dont agree with the popular crowd to converse. This author seems to believe that people who arent cool should keep to them selves.  

The author didnt seem well received in our class.  I have a suspicion it was written as to get a rise out of people.

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